Building habits that stick
Nov 27, 2024
2 min read
Building new habits can be tricky, and we have all experienced the sting of disappointment when a new routine doesn’t stick.
I spend a lot of time learning techniques for habit-building. Over the years, I have built and adapted my routine repeatedly, to support my needs at different points.
Here’s a handful of my top tips for building a routine that feels supportive and sustainable:
1. Unlocking motivation:
Before I start a new habit, I read or listen to books, videos, and podcasts on the topic. This helps me understand different ways to practice the habit, the benefits it would bring about, and ways to build it into my life. This helps solidify my new mindset, and my confidence in practicing this new thing.
2. One habit per week:
It’s important to gradually build a routine that works. Introducing one new thing per week gives us a chance to observe the new habit, how it works in our lives, and make changes as needed.
3. Reminders to practice:
It’s not easy to remember a new regular habit, so bringing in as many reminders as possible will help trigger our practice. I’ve used sticky notes, alarms, time blocks in my calendar, and visual reminders like a gym bag by the door.
4. Moving and flexing:
By adapting the routine to real life weekly challenges, we can settle it more securely.
5. Getting back on the horse: You may be trying to do your new habit every day, but be patient when one day doesn’t go to plan. Returning to the habit regularly will help you maintain it over time.
6. Patience: in life there are times for being busy, and times for resting. Don’t be too hard on yourself if this is a time for rest and regeneration. New habits can be built when you’re ready.
I hope these ideas were useful! For more on habits and motivation, check out authors like Mel Robbins and James Clear.
Therapy can help us dismantle some of our internal barriers to change. If you’d like to work through the things holding you back and build new habits, you can find me at
✨ Warmth and wishes ✨
cosy therapy